Now (new) is an oddly exciting time for me. On a new journey with so many new things happening.
Like all things do, the journey began when I left my 3-year career in Jakarta and moved across the world to start my studies abroad. After an adventurous Salzburg semester, I am now in Copenhagen continuing my education and starting yet another chapter of more adventures to come.
However, as the year turns anew to reveal its surprise (spoiler: coronavirus), I find my life, like many others, disrupted. And now I know for sure that the journey is really just beginning.
Reza Arkan Partadiredja
2021 - What else is new?
- Going into the year with a lot of optimism. I'll be graduating from my Master's degree. And I have some exciting things planned out for the year.
- I migrated my Notion site from Fruition to Potion as I needed more customizability. And it also comes with faster speed and less maintenance from my side.
- Took a stroll down memory lane and wrote out a full case study on how I designed a booking standard for 10+ products.
- Started my (virtually) visiting graduate researcher role at IS UCLA where I received tutorship on my thesis. Also had the chance to present my work in their monthly colloquium.
- That's all for now! I'm honestly excited for what the future brings. Feel free to connect with me and maybe our paths will cross.
Last updated on June 2021
Now in previous years
A glimpse of past nows.
- Walked into 2020 without much of a plan, no new year's resolution, which is very unlikely of me.
- Developed #AIorHuman for my first semester project at Aalborg University Copenhagen.
- Spent a month in Brussels, where I finished a brief portfolio and resume; also got around to finally editing some of my travel photos.
- Volunteered for Design Matters 2020!
- Gave a talk about customizing Notion with Fruition for CPHUX.
- Currently working on my thesis Designing AI. Shoot me an email if you're on to something similar, I'd love to collaborate and be inspired by your work!